Bus services for students to and from school are available through Transperth. For the most up to date information on bus routes and services please visit Transperth High School Services and select Ocean Reef Senior High School from the list of schools.
Transperth also advise that there may be changes to bus services before the start of the school year and families are encouraged to check the Journey Planner two weeks prior to the start of Term 1.
SmartRiders, with photos, are issued to new students who have provided consent on enrolment.
Replacement SmartRiders
To replace a lost SmartRider the replacement fee is $5.00 payable to the school (via BPOINT online or in person). Please provide the students name and SmartRider as references. A replacement SmartRider will be ordered and the student advised through Student Services once it has arrived.
Please note if you order a SmartRider, or replacement, through Transperth it will not include a photo.
Year 7 and new Students commencing at the Start of the Year
The school issued SmartRiders with student photo identification are provided to new students who commence at the start of the year towards the end of Term 1 or beginning of Term 2. If new students require a SmartRider prior to this time to access the student fare, families are encouraged to order a Student Smartrider through Transperth for this interim period. Please visit Transperth Student SmartRider page.
Our Bicycle compound is located off Venturi Drive. We encourage students to securely store their bicycles within the compound.
An assisted road crossing is located on Venturi Drive.